Friday, November 17, 2017

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Image result for the name jar
The Name Jar
Written by Yangsook Choi, 2001

The Name Jar is a great contemporary realistic fiction children's book. This book is so relatable to children and the issues some may face in school. This book is about a young girl who moves to America from Korea. When she starts at her new school the kids on the bus can't pronounce her name so she becomes embarrassed and decides to try and come up with an American name for herself. The children in her class all contribute names put them in a jar for her to chose from. One day the name jar disappears and she decides to chose her real name and teach everyone in the class how to pronounce it and the meaning behind it. A lot of children in our today have very unique names and some that may be difficult to pronounce. This story allows children to see the struggle someone with a different name goes through and how to fix the problem. Contemporary realistic fiction books are important for children to read because they provide stories about real problems that people face.

Discussion Questions
What is the origin and meaning behind your name?
Explain a time when you felt like you didn't fit in and how you overcame it.

Motivational Activities
Have the students go around the room and discuss their ethnicity and where their families are from. Have everyone write a unique name they love on a piece of paper and put them in a name jar and have everyone take a name out and read it out loud. 

Other books by Yangsook Choi
Peach Heaven
Nim and the War Effort
The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy
This Next New Year

Choi, Y. (2003). The name jar. Follett Library Resources.

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