Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fractured Fairy Tale

Image result for the true story of the three little pigsThe True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Written by John Scieszka, 1989

This fractured fairytale is the Wolf's version of the classic story The Three Little Pigs. In this book the Wolf tries defend his innocence in the events that occured in the three little pigs. The Wolf describes the events as a neighbor with a cold who was trying to borrow some sugar. The Pig's houses accidentally get blown down by the Wolf's sneezing and he doesn't want them to go to waste. This is a funny and unusual twist on this classic tale. The pictures in this book are great.

Motivational Activities
Have the students pick their favorite short fairytales and have them create a fractured version of them. Once they have finished creating their fractured fairytales, have them read them aloud to the class.

Discussion Questions
Which story do you like more, the original or the fractured version? Why?
Do you agree that there is always two sides to every story? 

Other books by this author...
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
Math Curse
The not-so-jolly Roger
The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy

Scieszka, J. (1989). The true story of the 3 little pigs. Harper & Row.


Clark the Shark
Image result for clark the shark
Written by Bruce Hale, 2013

Clark the Shark is an adorable children's fiction book. This book is about shark named Clark who is the most excited shark you'll ever meet. He just finds every aspect of his life so exciting he does not know how to contain himself. At school the other fish and teach get upset with him because he is just too much! The teacher then teaches him that there is a time and place for everything and that when you are in school, stay cool. Clark has trouble remembering this rule so he starts making rhymes for every situation to remember to stay cool. This is such a cute story for children to read, it teaches you that there is a time and place for everything, and that it is okay to love life and be excited about things as long as you can control yourself. 

Motivational Activities
Have the student write a brief description of the plot, main characters, and what he/she thought of the book. Then have the student share his/her review with their classmates.

Discussion Questions

  1. When was a time you felt so excited you couldn't contain yourself? How did you handle it?
  2. Do you think Clark did the right thing with the new student? Explain why?

Other books by this author...
Snoring Beauty
The Malted Falcon
Big Bad Detective Agency
Prince of Underwhere

Hale, B. (2013). Clark the Shark.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Harry Potter
(Series of 7 books)
Written by J.K. Rowling, 1997-2007

The Harry Potter series is one of the most famous fantasy books ever written! These are personally my favorite books and movies of all time, and I will always proudly be a Harry Potter fan. The books tell a story of a young boy whose parents were murdered and he was adopted by his aunt and uncle. One day Harry finds out that he is a wizard and that both of his parents were too! The stories go through the events of young Harry's life, including his dreaded home life and his adventures to Hogwarts. Hogwarts is the finest school for witchcraft and wizardry and these books show Harry's seven years there and all the things he goes through in that time. This magical world is different then in other fantasy books because it exists parallel to the real (muggle) world. There are also movies that coincide with these books, that really help to bring such a wonderful light on this magical fantasy for every age group to enjoy! 

This is the Original copy of the first book published in the US in 1998.     

Motivational Activities
Have the students create a list of the magical powers they wish they could have.
An engaging craft activity could be to have all the students create wands and have them draw the magic powers they wish to obtain on to the wand. 

Discussion Questions
  • If you have read the book and seen the movie, what were some main differences noticed in the first book/movie?
  • If you could only have one magical power, what would it be and why?

Other books by J.K. Rowling....
  • Book 1 (US) - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
  • Book 2 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
  • Book 3 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • Book 4 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  • Book 5 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Book 6 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Pring
  • Book 7 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Science Fiction

Written by Veronica Roth, 2011

This science fiction novel is extremely popular and has even been made into a Movie trilogy. Divergent is the first of a three book series. This novel dives into the post-apocalyptic times where all the survivors get divided into five factions. This story follows a main character who feels that she doesn't fit into her given faction. She goes through a test that shows she is a "divergent" which means she fits into three different factions and these test results are dangerous and must be kept a secret. The day comes where she must chose which faction she would like to be a part of and she chooses Dauntless, which is for the brave. Dauntless is different then all the other factions because they have to do a series of tests to be accepted in and if they fail out they are factionless. She passes all the tests and all the Dauntless are then injected with a serum told to be able to show if any of them go missing. The serum actually controls all of the Dauntless members, except those who are Divergents. The Divergents then make a break and try to escape. This science fiction book is full of exciting twists and turns at every page!

Divergent (book) by Veronica Roth US Hardcover 2011.jpgInsurgent (book).jpegAllegiant novel cover.jpg

Motivational Activities
Have the students discuss the character traits each faction represents. Then have the students decide which faction they believe they would belong to and why.

Discussion Questions
What is your strongest character trait and why is it a good one?
How would you feel about being segregated to one group of people, with one particular way of living?

Other books by Veronica Roth...
Carve the Mark

Roth, V. (2016). Divergent. London: HarperCollins.


I am Martin Luther King, Jr.
Written by Brad Meltzer and Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos, 2016

Front CoverThis children's book is a wonderful way to teach children about the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr. This colorful biography of his life really helps tell his story. The illustrations in this book are cartoon style which really helps to appeal to children and also helps to show them the events occurring in the story. This biography starts at the young childhood age all the way to the young adult age Martin Luther King, Jr. passes. His story is so important for children to know about because he changes American history forever and led the United States to racial equality.
Image result for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Motivational Activities
Have the students create a timeline of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life including all of the important events of his life regarding the changes he made in American history. 
Have the students reread the "I have a dream" speech and come up with their own I have a dream speech and then read them aloud to the class.

Discussion Questions
Before reading this book did you know who Martin Luther King, Jr. was?
If you could change one thing to change in America today what would it be?
Would you have marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. and why?

Other books by Brad Meltzer...
I am Amelia Earheart
I am Abraham Lincoln
I am George Washington
I am Rosa Parks
Heroes for my Daughter

Meltzer, B. (2016). I am Martin Luther King, Jr. Penguin.


Front Cover
  Actual Size
Written and Illustrated by Steve Jenkins, 2004

This is such an adorable nonfiction children's book with amazing illustrations. Actual Size is a book that shows and teaches children about animals and their actual sizes compared to us. The illustrations are created on each page to fit the actual size of the animal or whatever body part of the animal it shows. Around each illustration there is a brief informative narration about the name of the animal and the size of the animal, and sometimes where the animal lives. This is such a fun and neat way for children to learn about these animals, which most they will never see in person, and to show them how large or small they really are. 

Image result for Actual Size
Motivational Activities
Have the students take out a blank sheet of paper and some type of drawing utensil and have them draw a portion of an animal to the size they believe it is. Once everyone has their drawings done, share with the class and then look up to see if the size if similar to the actual size of the animal.

Discussion Questions
  1. What was the biggest animal you have ever seen and where were you?
  2. What was the smallest animal you have ever seen and where?
  3. Have you ever been to the zoo and if so, what was your favorite animal exhibit? 
Steven Jenkins has several other educational and fun children's books, here are a few...
Biggest, Strongest, Fastest
Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest
Creature Features
Bugs are Insects

Jenkins, S. (2004). Actual size. London: Frances Lincoln Childrens Books.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Image result for the name jar
The Name Jar
Written by Yangsook Choi, 2001

The Name Jar is a great contemporary realistic fiction children's book. This book is so relatable to children and the issues some may face in school. This book is about a young girl who moves to America from Korea. When she starts at her new school the kids on the bus can't pronounce her name so she becomes embarrassed and decides to try and come up with an American name for herself. The children in her class all contribute names put them in a jar for her to chose from. One day the name jar disappears and she decides to chose her real name and teach everyone in the class how to pronounce it and the meaning behind it. A lot of children in our today have very unique names and some that may be difficult to pronounce. This story allows children to see the struggle someone with a different name goes through and how to fix the problem. Contemporary realistic fiction books are important for children to read because they provide stories about real problems that people face.

Discussion Questions
What is the origin and meaning behind your name?
Explain a time when you felt like you didn't fit in and how you overcame it.

Motivational Activities
Have the students go around the room and discuss their ethnicity and where their families are from. Have everyone write a unique name they love on a piece of paper and put them in a name jar and have everyone take a name out and read it out loud. 

Other books by Yangsook Choi
Peach Heaven
Nim and the War Effort
The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy
This Next New Year

Choi, Y. (2003). The name jar. Follett Library Resources.