Sunday, October 29, 2017

Multicultural Book

Same, Same, but Different was written and illustrated by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw in 2011. This is a wonderful multicultural children's book that takes you through two totally different world of two boys who become pen pals across the world. The story describes aspects of each boys life and how they differ from each other but are actually quite the same. This fiction book is realistic and set in the present time of when the boys are writing to each other. There is accurate descriptions and illustrations of each part of the world each boy lives in and the activities they partake in. 

Motivational Activities
Have students partner up with a classmate and describe to each other some aspects of their lives that are the same but different. 
Have the students draw pictures of where they live and then compare them to each person's drawing.

Reader Response Questions
  • What would you include in a drawing of your world?
  • What family members do you live with?
  • If you could compare your life to another child's life, what part of the world would you want to write to?
  • Were you surprised to see that even though their lives seemed so different, they were actually very similar? 

More by this author...

My Travelin' Eye
Luna & Me: The True Story of a Girl Who Lived in a Tree to Save a Forest
Chai Pilgrimage: A Soul-Nourishing Tea Adventure Through Northern India